Precious Pets

It has an average lifespan of 10 to 15 years. How long do Himalayan cats live.

Himalayan Cat Breed Information

Himalayans are known to be polite and intelligent and with friendly introductions tend to get along perfectly with other felines or canines in your household.

How long do himalayan persian cats live. What Should You Do. The average lifespan of Himalayans is 15 years or longer reports PetWave. So the next most important question how long do Persian cats live.

76 of this group lived to 10 years or more and 52 lived to 125 years or more. Regular vet visits will also help screen for illnesses and diseases which when caught early can be treated quickly. How long do Persian cats live.

The Himalayan was born but it wasnt until 1957 that the individual breed was accepted as being distinct from its Persian ancestor by The Cats Fanciers Association CFA. Himalayan cats have a long undercoat and they shed a lot of hair in the season. History of the Himalayan.

If you are going to be gone for longer than 48 hours I strongly recommend that you hire someone to take care of your Persian cat. Persian cat life expectancy is 12-17 years with a median age of 141 years be sure to read on for a more in-depth answer. In order to live longer you had to feed them with healthy food take care of them and their health regularly.

The Average lifespan for Persian is 14-15 years. Persian cats like any other cats on average have a lifespan of about 18 years. How Long Do Persian Cats Live.

Find More Cat Breeds. Do Himalayan cats shed hair. Unlike many other breeds Himalayans dont have a very long history.

How much do Himalayan cats cost. They typically live for 12 to 18 years with a median of 14 years. Himalayan cats live just as long if not longer than other feline breeds.

Some registries may classify the Himalayan as a long-haired sub-breed of Siamese or a colorpoint sub-breed of Persian. Its now not unusual to see Himmies in the top 25 cat and kitten awards. How long do Himalayan cats live.

Through the 1920s and 1930s breeders around the world attempted to produce a cat with a Persian body and Siamese markings. Life expectancy often varies. Take care of their health so that they do not develop additional breathing problems which are common with these species.

Veterinary clinic data from England shows an average lifespan of 1217 years with a median of 141. There wasnt a lot of information online regarding a Persian cats lifespan more often than not there were some quite conflicting information. A fully grown Persian cat might weigh between 8-15 pounds or more and range in height anywhere from about 8- 10 inches tall.

Its body is always white to pale fawn and the color-points are distributed evenly on the ears face legs and tail. The Himalayan also known as the Himmy and the Colorpoint Persian is one of the most popular of all purebred long-haired cat varieties. A fully grown Himalayan cat might weigh between 7-12 pounds or more and range in height anywhere from about 12-14 inches tall.

Outdoor and Indoor cats usually have different lifespans due to various factors such as disease and exercise etc. Pet insurance data from Sweden puts the median lifespan of cats from the Persian group Persians Chinchilla Himalayan and Exotic at just above 125 years. The average Persian Cat lifespan is between 1217 years most average around 14 years.

Himalayan cat is the most beautiful breed in the world and is a long-lived breed. The World Cat Federation has merged them with the Colorpoint. The Himalayan comes in a wide range of colors.

Here you could read about the five facts about Himalayan cats lifespan. A diet of both wet and dry food along with cool water will help keep your Persian cat healthy for many years. The Average lifespan for Himalayan is 12-15 years.

Cats become attached to their owners and they can experience separation anxiety if they are left alone for too long. Now from the breeds that I have researched this is a little lower than the others. Loneliness- Persian cats crave attention.

As they are a hybrid breed of Siamese and Persian they cost a little high than other breeds. Persian cats tend to be medium in size. They live for approximately 9-15 years.

Because they are relatively healthy Persian cats can live up to 20 years with an average lifespan between 15 and 18. However because its a pure breed Persian cats will be prone to hereditary illnesses which may shorten their life expectancy. A Himalayan cat can cost around 500 to 1300.

The Himalayan is a breed or sub-breed of long-haired cat similar in type to the Persian with the exception of its blue eyes and its point colouration which were derived from crossing the Persian with the Siamese. Theyve existed for less than 100 years.