Precious Pets

These dogs are then crossed together and the puppies are then sold to the unsuspecting public as purebred Merle. You can order your Frenchies puppy food here via Amazon.

Merle French Bulldog Guide Everything You Should Know Happy French Bulldog

One of the most distinctive features of the merle French bulldog is its vibrant blue eyes.

How to produce a merle french bulldog. Dogs with an MC1R ee genotype recessive red have no black pigment thus do not express merle but can produce merle offspring. Generally it is Chihuahuas that carry the merle gene. But canine enthusiasts are more than willing to pay up so much for this rare breed.

Some of the time breeders go as far as crossing the puppies too to create a breed which they claim to be pure breed Merle French Bulldog. Then the merle French bulldog. Let us tell you.

So if the requirements are met for a lilac puppy and they also have one merle allele they will be a lilac merle French Bulldog. In order to create this rare colored Frenchie a breeder needs to select a blue French bulldog and a merle Frenchie. Before we tell you how a merle French bulldog is born nowadays you need to know how the first merle French bulldog was born.

French Bulldogs are bred with dogs that have the merle gene usually a chihuahua to create a merle French Bulldog. You will schedule your puppy check-up within 48. Merle French Bulldog What is a Merle French Bulldog.

The last variable in determining size is a. The Merle French Bulldog has a gene that creates mottled patches of color in a solid or piebald coat and it can affect skin pigment as well. After this two merle French Bulldogs can be bred to create more but again this would mean the puppies are not purebred since the parents arent.

Characteristics of a French Bulldog. So you could run a risk in creating double merles entirely upon accident. Think quality diet exercise and appropriate grooming.

A lot of people agree that this is a really hefty price tag for a house pet. At first this dog was born by crossbreeding the French dog with another dog that had a merle pattern. The merle gene itself does not cause any health issues.

Our health guarantee for our French Bulldog puppies covers genetics for two years. It is not like the blue chocolate or cream Locus that need 2 copies the dilute for it to be expressed. They have compact and muscly bodies.

A merle French Bulldog should only be bred to a dog with a solid coat color. Now the dog in the photo doesnt look to be that far removed from the crossbreeding that. M-Locus Merle French bulldogs The Merle gene is held at the M-Locus.

Merle only dilutes eumelanin black pigment. The resulting offspring are screened and selected for the merle dogs that also look most like purebred French Bulldogs. There are 3 alleles variants for merle.

The M locus is the home of the merle allele. A merle French bulldog is not a purebred because purebred are those dogs whose parents are also from the same breed. Frenchies also come in a beautiful lilac merle.

Blue Merle French Bulldog Diet. Blue lilac and black merle bulldogs are just a mention of. French bulldogs come in this color.

Proper nutrition maternal care warmth and exercise all contribute to growth in a puppy. Since this coat color can be induced by mating two non-purebred Frenchies or a Frenchie and Chihuahua they cant become part of standard French bulldog colors. This pattern is very controversial in the French Bulldog community since it can cause severe health issues if two merles French bulldogs are bred together.

Also merle can be hidden in yellow or cream colored dogs simply because they dont produce any pigment on their fur but yellow or cream. Though I dont think their fancier use this name. Merle patterning - patches of lighter colouring appearing in the coat - is the result of the M gene in the dog.

Usually Chihuahua was used for this crossbreeding. For the most part French bulldogs look a lot like bulldogs. On the other hand if a French bulldog.

Merle french bulldog puppies can easily cost you as little as 3500. Merle M allele SINE with longer poly-A tail cryptic merle Mc allele SINE with shorter poly-A tail and non-merle N allele no SINE insertion. This gene causes random pigment dilution which lightens their eye color.

Dogfood for Your French Bulldog Puppy. This is a dominant gene and requires only one copy of the merle gene on the M-locus to be expressed on the frenchies quote. While this gene is what mainly causes blue eyes in merle French bulldogs sometimes the ALX4 gene will as well.

Breeders produce so called Merle French Bulldogs by cross breeding a French Bulldog to a dog of a breed that carries Merle likely Chihuahuas. We use the highest quality dogfood for our French Bulldog puppies which has been shown in studies to be the healthiest for them. A dog only needs to carry one copy of the Merle gene for it to be dominant and expressed on the French Bulldogs coat.

There are two alleles. Cross breeding the two results in a Merle French Bulldog puppy. We recommend a completely raw diet called the BARF diet.

Your merle French Bulldog will thrive on it and you will avoid skin allergies the breed is predisposed to. Their bone structure is dense. Merle is dominant and so denoted by the capital letter M.

Non-merle is recessive and denoted by m. Blue merle French Bulldogs just like any colored bulldogs require special care and attention. The merle gene dilutes random sections of the coat to a lighter.

These are the result of their body containing the M-locus or merle gene. How is a Merle French Bulldog Born. Unlike standard coat colors in French bulldogs the merle coat Is not recognized by the AKC.

If a French bulldog has this gene they will likely have blue eyes. Since merle is a dominant gene there are 90 to get a blue merle puppy litter. Diet is just one factor in what is generally referred to as environment and environment plays a major role in the size of French Bulldog as well.

Depending on the dominant gene being diluted other versions of merles also exist. Coat colour in the French Bulldog is complex because a range of colours is acceptable. At the request of the French Bulldog breed clubs the Kennel Club has agreed that it will no longer accept the registration of any merle French Bulldogs from 1 January 2013.