The purebred Jersey cow has been a feature of the landscape for more than 200 years and while you may see the familiar golden coat of a Jersey in countries across the world every Jersey cows ancestry can be traced back to the original Jersey Herd Book founded in 1863 by the Royal Jersey Agricultural Horticultural Society. In what natural zone does the pet live - if the cows live in the cold most of the year or conversely in extreme heat their body wears out faster.
Frequently Asked Questions About Mini Jersey Cattle
The main factors affecting the life of a cow are.

Lifespan of a mini jersey cow. Purity can be reached in only a couple additional generations. I have a cow that is 11 and is a sweetheart she steels every calf born. Miniature Jerseys on the contrary generally range from 500 to 800 pounds and require only about one-third of the feed or pasture that the standard-sized Jerseys would require.
Our first purchase is Charlotte her registered name is Emma but our granddaughter is named Emma so we have given her a new barn name. Its one of the oldest dairy breeds with pure bloodlines tracing back to almost 600 years. If you are an expert milker you will thoroughly enjoy your time in the milk barn.
Jersey is a British island found in the English Channel just off the French coast. Miniature Jersey Mini-Cows Jersey Mini-Cows. My little dream cows.
They are very friendly and curious so they make a wonderful family cow. Immunity weakens and they get sick more often. I have known guys that have had cows 15 16 17 years old.
If you treat them well and feed them well and they have it in their genes they can live a long time. They should be 44 inches or less at the hook bone at 3 years of age. Miniature Jersey Cows are extremely friendly.
Jersey cows stand about 115120 cm and weigh some 350 kg. A Miniature Jersey is small and stands between 38 and 42 inches tall. They would make a good addition to any family.
The general saying in the mini jersey circle is. They produce the same quantity or a little less in milk and they have a much higher cream content of about 40 or more. Mini Jersey Cattle- AKA- Old World Jersey Guinea Jersey Rabbit Eyed Jerseys Lessor Jerseys and Barnyard Jerseys or simply Little Dream milkers.
Our breeding stock are chosen on a very strict standard. Because its an island the cattle there were able to develop in relative isolation from other cattle breeds. We are a family run dairy farm.
Were finding once tested the average Mini Jersey cow is already in the 80-100 pure range. It is highly productive cows may give over 10 times their own weight in milk per lactation. The two lovely little Rocking Robin Ranch A2A2 girls that.
The miniature Jersey is much smaller so requires less forage than a standard jersey. Jersey cattle coat color ranges from a light fawn to almost black. Well cows are just like everything else some live longer than others.
While a Mid-sized Jersey is 43-48 inches tall. Two miniatures to one standard forage. Mini jersey cattle are really good milk cows.
It is not unusual for Jersey cows to live 25 years or longer if they receive proper nutrition and veterinary care throughout their lives. Miniature Jerseys are classified by height. Additionally miniature jerseys should be proportionally smaller than a standard jersey.
Most cattle live between 18 and 22 years. The Jersey adapts well to various climates and. When brindle coloring is found in Mini Jerseys it usually stems from crossbreeding with Dexter Cattle or Aberdeen to reduce the height from a taller Jersey.
Standard Jerseys can come in the very rare brindle pattern that traces back to the 1700s. Mid Size Jerseys are greater than 42 inches but less than 48 inches at 3 years of age. They will produce approximately 3.
Miniature and Mid-sized Jersey cows are rare and in short supply as they are perfect for small farms homesteaders or preppers. See our Bulls page. Citation needed In the United States Jersey cattle of the original island type may be known as Miniature Jersey.
Since it takes a heifer 15 months to grow large enough to breed and then nine months to carry her calf if you start with one cow your herd will grow very slowly. It is one of three Channel Island cattle breeds the others being the Alderney now extinct and the Guernsey. They keep their weight up at the same time as feeding a calf and keeping you supplied in milk.
The average lifespan of cattle tends to be between 18 to 22 years but Jerseys tend to live longergetting to the age of 25 years or beyond. Just keep in mind that to buy one you will need to fork over up to a whopping 30000. It would take a few years but a 34 or 78 mini with a good standard Jersey cow as the foundation cow would probably be really nice.
Any BBR of 94 or better is reported as 100 to allow for genetic diversity within the Jersey breed. A Jersey cow living at an animal rescue center in the United Kingdom is the oldest-living Jersey on record at 37 years. 212 The Ethiopian Goffa dwarf belonging to the Abyssinian Shorthorned Zebu group or Small East African Zebu - Breeds is also a miniature breed.
The Jersey is a British breed of small dairy cattle from Jersey in the British Channel Islands. Like other miniature cow breeds they are loving and easy to care for. In the personal farm however animals contain up to 15 years.
199 Angus Beef cows 1 Jersey cow 3 horses. The milk is high in butterfat and has a characteristic yellowish tinge. The oldest Jersey cow was known to have reached the age of 37 and was living at an animal rescue center in the United Kingdom.
With our 8 kids loving life in rural Missouri. If you are a newbie milker the Jersey will patiently stand tied up in the barn for an hour while you try to figure out how on earth you are supposed to get the milk out of the udder. Click on the picture for a fun video we made milking our 37 Mini Jersey cow.
A2A2 Mini Jersey Shipped Semen NOW Available. The Phoenix zoo took home as their own this last year. A real cow But farmers need to be aware that miniature cows and full-size cows require a similar investment of time.
This shorter lifespan is mainly a result of what has generally been considered as sound economic decisions on profitability. However much of the decrease in dairy cow longevity is mainly the result of involuntary culling due to.
Efficient Crossbreeding Solution Vikinggenetics
Oldest Jersey While most cattle live between 18 to 22 years its not unusual for Jerseys to live 25 years or more.
Average lifespan of jersey cow. They grow relatively faster and contain low fat in their body. Herds were standardized to 1000 cows for each herd structure option. If youre able to successfully raise them through weaning the work gets much easier as they mature.
By now you have most likely been informed that the average age of a dairy cow in the United States is 5 years old. In the end thats a 21 difference. Jerseys need more fat in their diets.
The oldest Jersey cow recorded was 37 years old living at an animal rescue center in the United Kingdom Milk Production Their milk is considered quite a luxury product across Britain and other countries. Life expectancy is based on several factors including the conditions in which Jersey cows live. That doesnt seem very old for a cow now does it.
While most cattle live between 18 to 22 years its not unusual for Jerseys to live 25 years or more. On the contrary a Holstein has a very thin cream line on the top of their milk. The current genetic evaluations for both Jersey populations carried out by SAC and published byDairy Co indicate that a Jersey cow in the UK population averages 40 years actual from thecommencement of milk production whilst the Island cow lasts for 42 actual.
With sources such as PETA Rolling Stones the like you are probably concerned about this. The average productive lifetime of the dairy cow in intensive milk production is decreasing around the world with averages like 24 lactations in the US and Denmark. Elements- wind rain snow dry weather- food availability and predators are just some of the major things animals in the wild have to deal with.
Holsteins are famous for producing gallons and gallons of milk not cream. The average lifespan of cattle tends to be between 18 to 22 years but Jerseys tend to live longergetting to the age of 25 years or beyond. And on an average the cows can produce 3500-4500 kg of milk per year.
Genetics environment nutrition and overall health. This is also an above-average cream line for Faith. I have a cow that is 11 and is a sweetheart she steels every calf born.
Jersey cow is widely known as the excellent breed of cow can produce around 40 liters of milk per day. As well as being one of the most friendly breeds Jersey cows are famous for. Well cows are just like everything else some live longer than others.
But its a crap shoot. A calving interval of 365 days was used for all herds. It is almost half cream.
But at this age a cow cannot have productivity milk does not milk the animal does not give birth. The Jersey cows are excellent milk producers. The breed is also noted for easy calving.
Most cattle live between 18 and 22 years. It is folly to trust any dairy bull and particularly Jerseys past eighteen months of age. On average the cow lives for about 25 years rare individuals live to the fortieth anniversary.
The typical dairy cow lives an average of five years with the first two years focused on providing a strong foundation for the healthy development of the cow. It is folly to trust any dairy bull and particularly Jerseys past eighteen months of age. If you treat them well and feed them well and they have it in their genes they can live a long time.
The goal is for calves to gain an average. The calf is relatively small in size when they born. Males have an average life span of 29 years and females have an average life span of 6½ years Lopez et al 2003 Life in the wild is not easy.
I have known guys that have had cows 15 16 17 years old. The oldest Jersey cow was known to have reached the age of 37 and was living at an animal rescue center in the United Kingdom. Jersey bulls are known for having the least docile temperament of the common breeds of cattle.
The average life of a dairy cow should be 15-20 years depending on your source. The average life of a bull is much less about 15 years. History knows and exceptions the scientific literature describes a case of longevity of the Irish cow Big Bertha it has exceeded fifty years.
Homestead cattle that are grass-fed have longer lifespans than their grain-fed counterparts. The purebred Jersey cow has been a feature of the landscape for more than 200 years and while you may see the familiar golden coat of a Jersey in countries across the world every Jersey cows ancestry can be traced back to the original Jersey Herd Book founded in 1863 by the Royal Jersey Agricultural Horticultural Society. It has a high butterfat content of 484 which is 25 more than average milk.
The effect of herd structure on the total herd milk yield was estimated by multiplying the milk yield of Holstein and Jersey cows with the relevant number of cows per lactation category. They are noted for lower maintenance and also for superior grazing ability. Apart from this if we consumed jersey cow milk than it is beneficial for the health in many different ways as it is more nutritious then other.
Jersey cows are fed in a similar way to all other breeds of dairy cattle. The breed is less susceptible to disease and lameness than other breeds and tends to produce and live longer than other cattle on average. They make claims that cows are burnt out.
From age two the mature cow will become a productive member of the milking herd meaning she will produce milk. There are many contributing factors in the lifespan of a cow. This is fresh milk from my Jersey cow Faith.
The Jersey cattle are very docile in temperament. Even though this is more than we typically get we do get a LOT of cream on a regular basis. Nutrition can make or break a calfs growth and development especially in a Jersey.
This is why the. More than likely they will give less milk as they get older but maybe not either. If you look at the kilograms of milk solids produced per kilogram of body weight in 305 days the 450 kg Jersey comes in at 123 solidskg while the 700 kg cow would produce 097 solidskg.
Larger cattle eat more so 3 acres would be more of a size they needed. There is no grass pasture hay or anything for the cows to eat except what is provided by people.
A Year With Our Family Milk Cow
For the average 450 kg Jersey cow this works out to 2025 kg of dry matter per day in her ration.

How much pasture does a jersey cow need. I can only speak from our experiencewhat weve been told. That being said I had 3 bred heifers on 8 acres of really exceptional pasture last year and I still had to bush-hog it twice. Lets say youve overgrazed your pasture you didnt wean your calves and that cow is going to be 100 pounds lighter than what she should be.
Follow up with another feeding eight hours later. Together the average yield of both pastures is 9500 lbac You may have heard a rule-of-thumb is that it takes 15 to 2 acres to feed a cow calf pair for 12 months. When a Jersey is in production she will ingest up to 45 of her total body weight in dry matter.
But farmers need. Ideally its healthiest if a larger pasture can be divided into smaller sections and used for rotational grazing. For Jerseys an appropriate feeding.
Colostrum should be measured to ensure it will deliver adequate antibodies to the calf. Jersey cows will need to eat between 2 and 25 pounds per 100 pounds of body weight to meet their daily caloric intake needs. Grass-fed cows are healthier and produce more milk but bales of hay can be substituted as needed.
My Dexter heifer was fine on about an acre of VERY GOOD pasture always had plenty to eat. Colostrum should be harvested clean and fed within two hours of birth. A small farm tractor with a bucket can be used or a forklift.
The weight of a standard-sized Jersey cow can range from 800 to 1200 pounds while standard Jersey bulls can weigh as much as 1800 pounds. Getting the heavy round bales of hay into the cow pasture or pen will require some mechanical assistance. A Jersey cow might be as much as one animal unit 1000 lb so 2 acres of average pasture would be recommended per cow.
Specific starting points for stocking rate vary according to the quality of the pasture. Depending on the quality of pasture small-breed cattle will need two to five acres of pasture per animal. And even though we have 60 acres of pasture for our small herd of cattle and horses we still end up feeding hay during the winter when the grass is dormant.
It is dangerous and can bring your cow down literally. Lets see how this rule-of-thumb holds up. Larger dairy breeds consume 40 of their total body weight in dry matter and a 700 kg cow would eat 28 kg of dry matter per day.
On our previous property about 1 12 acres was lawn area and we just tied our cow out and let her graze. A Jersey cow can go into a state of ketosis if she does not get enough carbs in her diet. The bales can be pulled using chains.
Allows more cows to be finished in smaller space no need for acres and acres of pasture. If you TEND the pastures mowing when grass gets up to about 8 inches not mowing shorter than 5 inches your pasture will be MUCH more productive all season. You will need to formulate a grazing plan that involves rotating them so that different areas of your pasture get their rest -- optimum and average rest period is 30 to 40 days.
That means we should be able to have 10 to 13 cows. How Much Feed Does A Jersey Cow Eat Per Day. Generally its recommended you have 2-5 acres per cow.
It depends on where you live and what type of pasture you have available. Hf jersey cows in tamilnadu fever in cows hypocalcemia revitalizing ushima with jersey bovine basics for ners backwoods jersey cows cattle the secret. Fattens them up quickly for slaughter.
Feeding Jerseys Jersey Canada. Jerseys especially over the age of 5 have a reputation for. To read all about this you can go here.
Any way you look at the process of feeding cattle knowing how much hay does a cow eat will help you stay ahead of the demand. If you have too many animals and not enough pasture left ie the very first paddock you grazed has not received 30 to 40 days of rest then confine your animals to a sacrifice area and feed them hay. The demands that are placed on the dairy cow to eat this quantity of forage can be more fully appreciated if they are expressed in terms of grazing behaviour.
The daily nutrition requirements are equivalent to one 30-. For example a cow with a forage intake requirement of 30lb DMday has to eat 200 lb of wet pasture if the DM content is 15. Five to fifteen sheep or goats might also constitute one AU.
December 25 2019 - by Wandi - Leave a Comment. Lets start with how many animals should be. Feedlots are small enclosed areas with dirt ground.
I think with a Jersey youd need 15-2 acres of GOOD pasture per adult cow if I remember right. There the cows are fed corn. Miniature Jerseys on the contrary generally range from 500 to 800 pounds and require only about one-third of the feed or pasture that the standard-sized Jerseys would require.
A miniature cow doesnt damage the turf so she mowed and fertilized as she went. This does 4 things. With really good pasture you are supposed to be able to support four miniature cows per acre.
You could totally. Allow enough space for the cow to be comfortable but limit the space to discourage cows from turning around laying diagonally or laying so far forward that manure ends.
Mini Jersey Cows Storybook Farm
Which in turn makes them easier keepers.

How much space does a mini jersey cow need. I like both cows of course. Each Jersey cow requires 2 to 5 acres of land for grazing. If you TEND the pastures mowing when grass gets up to about 8 inches not mowing shorter than 5 inches your pasture will be MUCH more productive all season.
Mini Jerseys are by nature dual purpose breed. That is just how these cows are born. Jerseys mature a lot earlier and will reach puberty sooner than Holsteins.
Two miniatures to one standard forage. Previous What causes calves to have runny snotty noses. They stay relatively small and dont need to be bred to get that small.
So there is no gene tracking to make sure they have the mini gene. The big difference between mini cows and regular cows is the amount of space you would need for them to be comfortably housed. Which makes them suitable for meat and milk.
A rule of thumb is that a cow will eat 2 to 2 ½ pounds of hay for each 100 pounds of body weight. Giving between 2-4 gallons a day a growing family can make all the cheese butter yogurt cream cheese heavy cream ice cream and milk that they could want by keeping a single Mini Jersey and her calf and have enough. To rear standard size cows youll need to provide approximately 18 acres per cow depending on crop rotation and quality of land.
Heifers that calve earlier in life deliver a more promising return on investment. As they graze and feed at a slower rate you will be able to rotate your mini cows with greater efficiency. Miniature Jerseys are the ideal cow for homesteaders and that is who we want to sell our cows to eventually when we have bred up enough for our land and have surplus cows.
Barn space for a cow that weighs 1000 to 1300 lb is 20 to 30 square feet and the cattle have access to a lot. They are primarily bred for milk production but with their compact size they they tend to carry more body condition. Around here that can be every 10 days in spring.
They produce the same quantity or a little less in milk and they have a much higher cream content of about 40 or more. A miniature cow doesnt damage the turf so she mowed and fertilized as she went. Every month first calving is delayed beyond 22 months costs producers more than 100 per heifer in lost milk production opportunity and.
The amount of land required by a mini cow is half an acre or a bit more. If the cattle do not have access to a lot that is adjacent to the barn then the space requirement is 35 to 50 square feet per cow. They keep their weight up at the same time as feeding a calf and keeping you supplied in milk.
On our previous property about 1 12 acres was lawn area and we just tied our cow out and let her graze. Two three year old Mini Jerseys the left is a mid sized coming in a 43 the right is a full mini or micro. How Much Space Does A Mini Cow Need.
Miniature Jerseys on the contrary generally range from 500 to 800 pounds and require only about one-third of the feed or pasture that the standard-sized Jerseys would require. If you intend to pasture as much as possible and cut your own hay youll need a. Access to fresh water is crucial to quality milk production and a healthy animal.
Part of maintaining optimal health for a Jersey cow involves meeting the following criteria. The general saying in the mini jersey circle is. As with other agricultural animals Jersey cows will produce according to their overall health and well-being.
How much space does a cow need to be happy. My hubby says we could get a mini jersey. How Much Does a Mini Jersey Eat.
High tensile electric fencing is a cheap option for standard sized cows. This creates an opportunity to actively manage breeding to ensure a first calving age of at least 22 months old. A typical cow will need at least half an acre to feel comfortable.
A miniature cow on the other hand can fit in a standard half acre. Larger cattle eat more so 3 acres would be more of a size they needed. Roughly 12 to 1 acre is adequate.
June 4 2014 at 424 pm. With really good pasture you are supposed to be able to support four miniature cows per acre. Stall partitions should be wide enough that a cow can lay comfortably with minimal contact.
Roughly 12 to 1 acre is adequate. But a larger mid-sized cow needs more space food than a small full-miniature. We are only on about 3 acres but it isnt all pasture and our cow is pretty happy.
They are very friendly and curious so they make a wonderful family cow. Cows need extra room in front to lunge forward to stand. Mini Jerseys generally speaking require about 23rds the space of a standard-sized cow.
The mini Jersey cow will stay around 36 to 42 inches in height and around 700 pounds in weight. Well it all depends on the cow. Mini Jersey cattle require less pasture space than a standard Jersey.
Miss Harlo- left is an excellent. When considering stall dimensions think about laying space and lunge space. But farmers need to be aware that miniature cows and full-size cows require a similar investment of time.
A mini Jersey or even a Dexter might be a good choice for you but youll have to be willing to buy hay in the winter.
If youre able to successfully raise them through weaning the work gets much easier as they mature. Apart from this if we consumed jersey cow milk than it is beneficial for the health in many different ways as it is more nutritious then other.
Eight Characteristics That Makes Jersey Cow Profitable To Rear Justagric
The goal is for calves.

How much does it cost to feed a jersey cow. Some cows can do fine with a few pounds of grain to maintain milk production and body condition some cows need 10 pounds a day. Purchasing a cow and raising it will automatically become less expensive if you have extra land to grass-feed it. Assumes March-April Calving and November Wean Weaning20 of Heifers Retained as Replacements.
If you can get it into the cows before they calve it will effectively set them up and make that calcium available immediately. Jersey cows for sale. These specialty straws cost more but a heifer is more valuable in a dairy herd.
Next justspry First Freshener. Food Consumption during winter season feeds a cow have allocated hay for at least 40 pounds for its day feeds. 824 How much does it cost you per day to feed your cow Jan 31 2013 163826 GMT -5.
For any other inquiries on how to place your order price per livestock or shipment cost. I am saying that you should know a lot about your pasture and the needs of your cow before moving a dairy cow. Generally cows cost between 500 and 1000 per year to keep.
Hay cost 35 per bale as of May 2017. Figuring out your feed costs for the year will be a bit different depending upon what you are feeding brood cows vs finishing steers or the resources you have available for instance plenty of grass or limited pasture and plenty of purchased feed. My Guernsey and her six month old bull calf eat about bale a day sometimes more when its really cold out.
Please note that cost of feeds and fodders will vary depending on season and region. Nutrition can make or break a calfs growth and development especially in a Jersey. Im not saying if you have a grass-fed Jersey cow she is unhealthy.
Using the 30 pounds per day 175 could last you about two months. Moving a Jersey to a 100 grass-fed diet is potentially complicated should be taken slow and if it is not done correctly can be harmful. This high cost can be lowered if you have the land required to grass-feed your cows.
Our bales are about 40-50 pounds. She is about 1100 pounds. Just refill the manger when she empties it.
Mature Cows Feed Costs Quantity Price CostCow Your Herd Crop Residue Nov 1 - Feb 28 4 Months 22per cow 8800 Protein Supplement Jan 1 - Feb 28 alfalfa hay 200 lbs 250Ton 2500 Pasture Mar 1 - May. A good standard Jersey sold as a family milk cow will cost 1400 to 1800 Breed Overview. Sorted Mini Jersey straws run about 250-300.
Jersey cows can cost as little as 1400 to 1800 Cows sold by weight are usually sold between 105 and 135 per pound Heifers are cheaper than bred cows ranging between 500 and 1000 Lactating dairy cows usually cost between 1500 and 2100. It could be much. The cost for caring for and feeding a cow will generally be between 500 and 1000 per year.
How much does it cost to feed a dairy cow. Assuming a cow giving 10 ltrs a day - Cost is 255day of feed cost Rs. How Much Feed Does A Jersey Cow Eat Per Day December 25 2019 - by Wandi - Leave a Comment Hf jersey cows in tamilnadu fever in cows hypocalcemia revitalizing ushima with jersey bovine basics for ners backwoods jersey cows cattle the secret.
These straws contain more sperm for a heifer than a bull increasing the odds to 90. Miniature cows cost 1800 to 3500 depending on the size markings and color. 2 to 5 acres of grassland are required per cow.
For meat cows 30 to 40 pounds of hay a day is required generally. Their metabolisms demand for calcium can be as much as 400 at calving so we are expecting a lot from these cows. Jersey cow is widely known as the excellent breed of cow can produce around 40 liters of milk per day.
The cost to feed 1000 pound non lactating brood cows is 500 or 281 per day with 250ton hay. Jerseys need more fat in their diets. That lets her take as much as she needs.
Please make a selection first. 30000 128000. Some straws are sold as Sexed or Sorted.
This will all depend on how large your pasture is and the type of hay you plan on feeding your cow. How much does it cost you per day to feed your cow. Winter season usually last for 2-3 months and during winter ration the feed charge is approximate 350 for the whole winter duration.
Really it all depends on the cow. Once you submit your order full details for payment will be sent to you by email or sent via text using the phone number you are to provide. In most cases we recommend a rate of between 500-650 gcow.
The Jersey is a British breed of small dairy cattle from Jersey Islan located in English Channel. This includes their care and feed. Jan 14 2013 182549 GMT -5 Age.
Estimated Annual Costs Per Cow Unit. With feed costs representing approximately 55 of the input in your dairy operation this can be a. For a Full-sIze Standard Jersey the sexed straws will cost 25-50.
This will require about 2 to 5 acres of land per cow. Therefore total feeding cost will be Rs 184 per day. Studies show that Jerseys save 13-18 in total feed expenses compared with other breeds.
As for hay try feeding her free choice hay. I learned through experience that it can be difficult to have an exclusively grass-fed Jersey cow. 2 -Yr-Old Heifers Calve in February.
For every cow plan on feeding it at least 30 pounds of hay which again depending on your geographical area this could cost about 175 per ton 2000 pounds.
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- indian
- indoor
- indoors
- inflammation
- information
- informative
- inside
- insipidus
- intestinal
- intolerance
- issues
- jack
- jackrabbits
- jersey
- joseph
- julii
- keep
- keeping
- kept
- kerala
- kidney
- kill
- kind
- know
- labradoodle
- labrador
- labradors
- labs
- last
- lazy
- leave
- left
- leopard
- leukemia
- life
- lifespan
- like
- lilac
- limousin
- lion
- lionhead
- litters
- live
- liver
- lives
- living
- lizard
- lizards
- location
- lonely
- long
- longer
- longest
- longhorn
- look
- lops
- lost
- lots
- love
- lovebird
- lung
- lungs
- lupus
- lymph
- lymphoma
- lyrics
- maggot
- make
- making
- male
- malignant
- maltese
- mantle
- many
- marrow
- mastiff
- mastiffs
- mate
- maximum
- mcpe
- mean
- meaning
- meat
- medication
- medium
- merle
- mice
- micro
- milk
- milking
- minecraft
- mini
- miniature
- mixed
- mixes
- more
- most
- mother
- mountain
- mouse
- mouth
- much
- murmur
- musk
- name
- names
- natural
- naturally
- neapolitan
- need
- nest
- netherland
- neuter
- neutered
- neutering
- newfoundland
- night
- node
- normal
- norwegian
- nose
- often
- okay
- older
- oldest
- once
- orange
- other
- outdoor
- outdoors
- outer
- outside
- over
- owners
- packs
- pain
- paint
- painting
- pair
- pairs
- pancake
- pancreatic
- panda
- parasites
- parks
- parsons
- partial
- passenger
- passive
- pasture
- pedigree
- pekingese
- pembroke
- percentage
- persian
- pets
- philippines
- pieces
- pigeon
- pigeons
- pigs
- pimobendan
- pinscher
- pitbull
- pitbulls
- pits
- poison
- polycystic
- pomeranian
- pomeranians
- poodle
- poodles
- poor
- potty
- pound
- pregnant
- price
- problems
- produce
- produced
- producing
- production
- profitable
- prone
- protective
- pugs
- puppies
- puppy
- quality
- quarter
- queensland
- quickly
- rabbit
- rabbits
- race
- racehorse
- racehorses
- racing
- ragdoll
- raise
- rare
- rats
- reach
- realistic
- really
- recipe
- requirements
- rescue
- retriever
- retrievers
- reversed
- riding
- risks
- rottweiler
- rottweilers
- rough
- running
- russell
- russells
- russian
- safe
- sahara
- sale
- satin
- schnauzer
- scotland
- screech
- seizure
- seizures
- sell
- shave
- shed
- shepherd
- shepherds
- shih
- short
- shorten
- shorter
- shorthair
- should
- show
- siamese
- siberian
- silver
- size
- skeleton
- skin
- slaughter
- slaughtered
- sleep
- small
- smarter
- smith
- snake
- snakes
- snow
- snuffles
- soil
- song
- songbirds
- sound
- south
- space
- span
- spicy
- staffies
- staffy
- stage
- standard
- standing
- start
- starts
- state
- stay
- steers
- step
- sticky
- still
- stop
- stops
- store
- storm
- stronger
- stuck
- suffer
- suitable
- sulcata
- surfaces
- survive
- system
- tabby
- tail
- take
- tall
- tame
- teacup
- tell
- temper
- terrier
- terriers
- testing
- than
- that
- their
- there
- they
- thoroughbred
- tigers
- till
- time
- times
- toddlers
- together
- tolerance
- tortoise
- tortoises
- tortoiseshell
- touched
- toxic
- trailer
- train
- traps
- treat
- treatable
- treated
- treatment
- tree
- tumor
- turtle
- turtles
- tuxedo
- type
- types
- tzus
- underground
- untreated
- upside
- used
- usually
- viper
- vipers
- walk
- watch
- water
- weather
- week
- weigh
- weight
- weiner
- west
- western
- what
- whats
- when
- where
- which
- whining
- whippets
- white
- wild
- will
- winter
- with
- without
- wood
- wooly
- world
- worth
- yard
- year
- years
- yellow
- yorkie
- yorkies
- yorkshire
- young
- your
- zealand